Interview to Roberto Dormicchi

We interviewed Roberto Dormicchi, alias Triglia di Bosco, chef and teacher at the hotel management institute of Piobbico (PU), the town where he was born and raised and to which he is strongly linked.
All his projects revolve around the enhancement of the territory, its raw materials and traditions, embracing areas that go beyond the kitchen, such as trekking and the outdoors, in line with the philosophy that characterizes his human and professional figure: “Walking together to share with respect and gratitude slow steps, emotions and the beauty of nature that has always hosted us”

You were born in Piobbico ,the Pesaro Urbino province in Le Marche region , and you are extremely tied to your original territory: your recipes say that , your food school in Piobbico , you also are a teacher at Hotel school in Piobbico , your blog :Triglia di Bosco (mullet on the wood).Can you tell us how was born the link with this territory so rich of row material, nature and quality of life?

The relationship with the territory is born from what your family transmit to you. My grandmather and my mother were used to bring to the table typical products according with the season and they created recipes tied with the territory of inland Le Marche region. Being a cook, I’ve transformed row material with handed down recipes belonging to tradition. Being chef it helped me to make more innovative recipes but, they are strictly tied with Le Marche region. With my job I’ve kept the link between the quality of the products and the quality of life thanks to the row material that our territory offers to us.

You said that “one must walk together to share with respect, thankfulness slow steps, emotion and beauty of the nature that hosts us. The ”Percorsi del gusto”(Taste Paths)were born from that? Can you explain better what are they? Why were they born and what they are ?
Besides teaching, cooking, walking, running, going to the television, ,you participate to work shop and food events and you also are a writer of your grandmother recipes you have learnt from her .You also organize trekking trips with Gianluca, your brother, who also is a nature guide , putting together products of the territory with natural wonders of the region, Can you tell us how was born this collaboration with your brother that combines food with nature?

Being a cook means sharing: research, realization, searching the goal.Slowly you share the path made of passion, emotion, difficulties, sometime of defeats, and time. Walking is a reference point, a metaphor to reach the goal. In this case is a culinary goal. Together with my brother who is a nature guide , with his website and blog called naturatrekkingmarche, we explore and walk the Nerone and Catria mountains and, at the end of the walk, we give the possibility to taste typical products , wine, artisanal beers and all we can find seasonally on our territory. It is a way to make tourist and also people living here , known the excellent products , always with the collaboration of my brother.

Your link with the products of the territory is so strong that the most part of your recipes contains 0km products. How is important for you the research of the best products and how do you make it?

I make my research visiting the best suppliers of our territory and I listen to their job, their efforts and research. It’s up to the chef understanding from the suppliers their knowledge, what they produce, how they transform the quality of row material from the Earth ,in something that the chef can offer at the table. You don’t need to go too far away from here, in our area (Le Marche region) we have excellences of quality from whom I learn . Thanks to them I manage to transform the products in recipes for the final consumer.

As a teacher every day you are in contact with young people, what can you suggest to your students about the chef career?

I wish my student to find their way, each of us has his own path. Experimentation, typical of youg people, let them to discover their talent.
They will have to do this for all their life and they will have to be happy about this job.Young people must discover and enhance their own talent and it will become their reason for living. Meeting Uliassi (the starred Chef) it has been very important to me, because he transmits a huge energy so the entire team actively collaborate to the final result. Chef Uliassi conveys joy through his job to anyone who works near him.He gave me the possibility to open new perspective towards a completely different world in comparison with my former experience.

We know you love truffle, and you give lessons on its use.What truffle represent for you ?Which are its characteristics? Did you try trufflebased products by T&C Truffle company? What do you think about them? Which are your favorite truffle based recipes? Can you tell us which are?

Truffle is very important, it has been the king in family kitchen.My father was a truffle hunter , and the scent of truffle characterized my life .The memory of truffle scent has accompanied me since I was a child , when my father was used to come back home with truffles and all of us we were so happy about that!
Truffle is a product that makes Le Marche region well known all over the world, it is a very strong symbol of our region. Its own characteristics are amazing. White truffle must be used in a very easy way , cut it in slices and add it over warm recipes to make it expresses its scent and flavor. Black fine truffle let the chef created unusual recipes just using a good extra virgin olive oil.
My favorite recipes are the classic ones: tagliatelle (Italian hand made egg pasta )with butter and truffle, fried eggs , or boiled eggs over a toasted bread with slices of white truffle on the top , in all these recipes the warm of the recipes enhances the scent of truffle .
Semplicity about its use is the main characteristic to cook truffle.
I’ve tried T&C Truffle products to verify if I could have truffle all the year long.
I must say they have a very high level and they reflects truffle own characteristics as being the king of the table that the Earth give as a gift.
T&C truffle products are a very important added value for any kind of recipe.
I can use T&C truffle products to make traditional recipes of my family.
To give you an example a good grilled and crisp bread with the vellutata on top could be amazing.
I could do the same with Passatelli ,egg pasta based on bread, grated cheese, nutmeg and cloves .These ingredient give scent and enhance the characteristic with some grated lemon zest.
While with summer truffle fine cream I could stir-fry hand made cappelletti(a kind of ravioli )“made by grandma”. After having boiled them in hot water and put in a cooking pan just with this fine cream,I will quick serve them to my customer.
Another interesting product is the salt with truffle to use with slices of summer black truffle to make a tagliata .Meat is white beef of Le Marche region , grilled and not too warm meat must be served with summer truffle slices as decoration, salt and field herbs.
Resuts are really interesting.
Syntethically we have tested these product by T&C Truffle and we have matched them to recipes of our territory , the ones who represents us.
Results has been very interesting.