Interview with Roberto Ceccarelli

You are a passionated  food journalist  .Once you ‘ve said about yourself  “I love food, the producers of food and who work on it”Can you explain better to us this concept?It seems like being a passion more than a job for you.Is that right?

I’ve always been attracted by gastronomic culture, and as being a food journalist ,I’ve  had the chance to work in different Italian region. With time  I  specialized myself about food.You can find interesting wine and food stories in each corner of Italian territory.You find stories about producers and transformers companies who work with unique row material .Their lives and work are priceless heritage for all of us .When you visit  little towns in Italy, you always find some gastronomic subjects loved by its inhabitants.This subject becomes immediately something to talk about with local people , it’s a kind of cultural exchange , with deep and ancient roots. Let’s think about Michelin guide.The motivation for the highest podium, 3 stars, says that location and experience you can live in that place , by themselves, are a perfect motivation to start  the journey .This aspect has always touched me a lot: living a deep experience  in every place you visit , the one who you will always take with you.You can find same situation all over the world.Sverale times  have chosen one country to visit just looking at its products.Usually I choose as tour guide the storytelling of the people I know.If they tell me something about a place or a country it means that they were touched by these,Certainly it ’s with to see it.Curiosity is always the best incentive to travel, isn’t it?

You were born in Le Marche Italian region, a beautiful territory with a lot of natural beauties, excellent row materials, authenticity, the single region in the plural.Belonging to you which are the main characteristics of this region?

Beyond the definition of “in plural”(a kind of marketing slogan), you can find the plural in every single little Italian town.In my opinion Le Marche have an exotic charm.It probably depends on the fact that they are not very well known, or also  on the fact that manufacture and industry have been the driving items.
The real charm of Le Marche region, from the gastronomic point of view,is the widespread rural culture.Each little village has its own exclusive product, its own historical  recipe.We could say , as Pasolini( an Italian important writer, film maker and poet)said that , yet you can find  its own strong authenticity of products  in this region .It’s not by chance that a great chef like Mario Uliassi , the real brand ambassador and pride of this region , pick up some ingredients from the rural internal  areas to create his recipes  joining  these ingredients to the ones from the sea.However you cannot imagine Le Marche region without their top quality producers.When there was the earth quake , all the Monti Sibillini area , risked to disappear from the production panorama .Stubbornly breeders and growing went on producing like heroes.This is a salvation for the territory

In your  written “stories”  , you often have told us about hidden excellences from Le Marche region : from emmer wheat that found here a new life, to the Cicerchia Legume, from the rustic restaurant  till the simple tavern.We know you like discovering  the truth, the job, the passion , quality and tradition inside Le Marche region.The white truffle (Tuber Magnatum Pico)from Acqualagna is a natural product , spontaneous and precious .According to you, from where all these excellences were born here? Why they are not yet very well known on media like other excellences from different Italian region already are ? There is a candidacy for the truffle from the municipality of Acqualagna .It would be a good title for this important underground  mushroom , what do you think about?

Telling stories means to be open in front of any experience.You cannot talk only about big chefs or already well known person.Spontaneous products by themselves are already an heritage to be saved .They are the most important ones.It’s not by chance if they are the most precious ones, because only Mother Nature cycles can make them grow.Truffles, especially the white ones, are the best example of this concept.Inside truffle itself you can find its storytelling .It grows inside earth, you need the nose of animals to extract it, you also need the skills of man to train them, the good atmospherical conditions and an uncontaminated environment .You can find all you need to fascinate  prone souls to beautiful things.I totally agree to Acqualagna community to make request for a reinforced protection.
If I think that ,amazing and worldwide known products like Parmigiano Reggiano, are produced in some areas not so attractive  from the landscaped point of view (with exception of the ones produced in Appennino Mountain area), I can say that producing a so rich product in a so beautiful area is the perfection.In addition to this truffle is a no replicable product .Regarding to the fact that it is not well known abroad certainly it depends on having done not proportional advertising investments although  truffle importance.Remember  we are talking about a “jewel of high jewelry level “.The commitment of the producers by themselves , sometimes, it is not enough .You need  everyone’s commitment.

Communication is the basis of your role .Which are the medias you prefer?Printed
magazine ? digital ones ?events? PR?communication agency ?blog?and why ? In your opinion which are the most up to date media today?

I trust in a good mix of all these elements.Written papers will live for long and it represents quality. Who could waste paper just to write things not in depth?Digital information is essential.All of us we look for information on the web. But we must choose authoritatives sources , who have a say.Social media?Fundamental in our world, but, please, avoid to use them as a totem pole.They often contribute to confusion , social often “squeeze”the knowledge risking to trivialize one subject. Events help a lot. They should be inclusive , able to bring interested people to live the same passion that local people have.

As you are a great communication expert, what  could you suggest  to make  more known, out of its borders,  your region and also one of its  “favorite  son”as  the truffle and truffle based products?

Everyone must do his part and everybody must collaborate with others.I mean hospitality is at the basis of the work of producers , the right skills should be included , making the right planning.One must dedicate the right time and the right people to communicate , the fruits are born if the condition are right.
Last but not least people must always  keep themselves authentic .The red strength of a territory is on people who live on it.