Interview with Monia Moretti, owner

The crescia was born in the Renaissance XV-XVI century in Urbino, in Palazzo Ducale. Yours is the traditional recipe, isn’t it?

Starting from the very beginning the recipe Panaro uses is absolutely the simplest. Actually we must say that the puff pastry Crescia is not yet regulated by a specification. That’s the reason why you can find thousand of sligtly different recipes. Some people add yeast, others milk or olive oil. Our Crescia is just made of flour, eggs, lard, salt and pepper, nothing more.

It is a handmade product with excellent local raw materials, each sheet is handmade on 150gr. It is a digestible product, made slowly, without preservatives, yeasts or milk, it smells of fresh eggs. Are the raw materials used come from the territory?

Puff pastry Crescia bread  is made in 3 different version, to meet the taste of our different distributors (specialty store or large scale distribution) in Italy:
1. The row material are made in Italy (flour is coming from the close Romagna region) eggs are Italian (coming almost from Emilia region). It is made without preservatives or flour improvers.
2. Same ingredients as above,  but with E202 a simple potassium sorbite (one of the lightest preservatives on the market.It is odorless, tasteless and no side effects.
3. The so called organic Crescia “L’ideale”, made of n° 1 flour from Marche region coming from ancient stone ground grains, eggs from open hens reared, organic lard and pepper, sea salt from WWF saline managed by Slow food organization.

How climate, uncontaminated nature of your area and the row material you find on it,  influence your crescia bread?

Using row material coming from our area gives an unmistakable taste to our Crescia bread. Some days ago we made a girl, coming from Urbino city, taste our L’ideale Crescia. She said “It is good exactly how my grandmum used to do it !”.