Interview with Carla Fiorini, owner and winemaker

Your company exists since the 30s , it is very tied up to le Marche region, its locations and territory, is that right? what makes this earth a so special one?

There is a very special relationship  between us and the territory my grand father chose to found his farm  in  early 1900 century. My grandfather was born in 1868, so only after two generation , so much  time it seems to be  passed, so long agricultural story, changing  from the sharecropping to the agricultural company , so many changements were done  about what is cultivated.
From the typical farm which produced everything, including building  the sharecroppers houses, towards the great  specialization  you need to have today in agricultural field.
Marche region is a beautiful territory thanks to its territory, position and exposition and naturalistic landscape.

A vocation to “respect of the earth”  what does it mean the respect of the territory according to you?

The respect of the earth and its fruits:  today this aspect begins from taking  care of the earth .So today, the right approach of the modern and aware farmer must create  low impact on environment farming and culture .That’s the reason why I have chosen organic, a choice made because we deeply trust on it , not for commercial reason.In the past farmer exploited the earth, today we must run for cover it. Any fruit we collect from the earth must be the one the earth can give to us ,without pushing, far away from intensive agricultural method that made poor and polluted the earth.The respect of the territory is also to cultivate what has been always cultivated for years in that territory itself , because of climate and  earth are ideal  for that kind of product.Let’s take as example the Bianchello wine: if a certain kind of grape has been cultivated for year in a certain area , and if a certain kind of wine has been produced for years , it means that that variety is more resistant and suitable for that climate, everything will be natural and easy.

”Picking by hand “ what does it mean? from the quality point of view what the meaning of?

Picking by hand is something in which I deeply trust for two reason:
If you produce high quality wine, you cannot harvest by machine, not only for mash,  oxidation and all that is not grape that will be mixed in hopper and then in tank, but also because you don’t have the possibility to select grapes, and that is what makes the difference. If you want make quality you frequently must go twice on the the same vineyard , or you must select and discard grapes with mold or rot .A grape harvest machine could never do this.Sure it is more expensive, but according to me, you mustn’t produce Bianchello at the top level of quality, without picking by hand grapes .It is an activity in which mankind still is better than technology.

Tenuta Campioli wine received the award of 92/100 for the relationship between quality and price, what is the secret? grapes, territory, processing?

Tenuta Campioli has always been a big success and , even updating in taste , it has always kept the same style and pleasure on drinking it.
Drinking it has always been its winning feature .If you open a Campioli bottle it is very hard leave it without finishing it.

Your company has an important female presence, what does it mean for you having this responsibility being a woman?

I’ve never feared responsibilities, I’ve always been responsible starting when I was kid, perhaps thanks to my family history. The feminine part inside me manages maintaining precarious balances with my team, our customers and suppliers, an almost partner husband, in conclusion all the players inside this movie called “Fiorini company”. I’m sure that this ability comes to me thanks to the years in which I have been working side by side with my father an old fashion leader. I always told him that if I were a man, no doubt we would have argue.