Maria and Massimo interview

Can you explain to us how you have had the idea to begin the path to PGI certification for the Bostrengo cake and why?

First of all we like the storytelling about the idea to produce the Bostrengo cake.
I’ve always thought that the excellence of a territory could be a kind of tourism also from a cultural point of view.
Bostrengo is a typical cake from Le Marche region.
Its origin are uncertain, perhaps it was born in Montefeltro area or Ascoli Piceno area , that’s the reason why it changes its name depending on the area. It is called Burlengo in Pesaro Urbino (North Le Marche) and in Romagna area and Fristingo in the South of Le Marche region.
Something unusual is that the recipe changes from one area to another. At the beginning was a cake made in poor houses, it was called “the empty kitchen sideboard” because people used all what they could find in house: stale bread, flour, nuts, apples, dried figs and sugar mixed with the pure water from Monte Nerone.
Nobody but us has ever thought to produce Bostrengo. We managed.
The choice of using a cake from the past for a project talking about future is not accidental. Bostrengo is a typical product that expresses, better than others, the authentic spirit of its land of birth.It has the sober and reassuring appearance of poor cakes of the past, but it contains a delicate, real and well balanced taste.
Bostrengo will be protagonist of a gastronomical advertising campaign and it will be a tool to realize a touristic and entrepreneurial strategy.
Thanks to its qualitative characteristics Bostrengo from Apecchio has received the DE.C.O brand ,(Italian local origin certificate) a guarantee of quality by Apecchio Municipality.
We want to track official guide lines to codify production processus of Bostrengo from Apecchio , in Marche region , shared with the companies who produce it and with Local organization , having the goal to reach PGI certification. We are the first laboratory officially recognized.

Massimo You have always lived and promoted Le Marche land , joining tradition, quality, sport, tourism, restaurant and food and wine .
What do you think about this beautiful Le Marche region, which are its strengths and what is missing to be known by the general public?

I think that Le Marche region have a lot of excellence in food and not only, a beautiful territory that has a lot of potential. Perhaps the plural name does not help us, but on the other side this plurality could be an opportunity for us to “sell our image in the world”.
Large spaces, widespread population in the territory, safe and simple life style, family-friends facilities are aces in the hole for High Le Marche region area, to make it a top touristic destination in this period.
Little villages are ideal destination for the tourism of today: few days , long week end , widespread throughout the year, visiting different location in few days.
Working with this goal in mind will mean the enhancement and facilitation of contact with food and wine excellences in this region, also thanks to regional thematic itineraries.
The renewed attention to spirituality leads new opportunities also in religious tourism, with dedicated and customized paths.

You have been the supporter of “beerandgoodfoodingoodterritory”can you explain to us what does it mean and in which way the deep link with territory materializes?Truffle and truffle based products how do they fit in this food map?

Last 10 years the village of Apecchio has been hosting 3 manufacturing plants: Birra Amarcord, Tenuta Collesi , Venere the little brewery and Mochimash beer firm.
Here down from Nerone mountain pure water is flowing and climate promotes the production of high quality barley.
That’s the reason why Apecchio village can be called as First Italian Beer city.
Apecchio is the capital of “beerandgoodfoodingoodterritory”, a magic place where the combination of truffle and beer can be found throughout the year.
Today thanks to this project there is a link between restaurateurs, beer and truffle during the whole year.
I trust a lot in a strong collaboration among all the High Le Marche region excellence.