Interview with Pietro Corrieri owner of the Catria Brewery

We know that your brewery is born from your desire to find rural origins of beer. You cultivate distic barley and you use very pure water from Catria mountain, called the  throne of gods. How territory and uncontaminated nature are important for the success and the quality of your beers?

No doubt about the importance of our territory. Starting from the row material, as water that is completely uncontaminated.then, at the same time, we have turned old agricultural areas to barley production. The bond with territory is very strong on our activity.territroy is totally tied to our activity, starting from the direct selling of our beers, to the touristic hospitality and promotion of the wildest part of le Marche region.

Is the agricultural chain completely under control?

We have achieved the membership of “agricultural italian beer brand”. This acknoledgment guarantees the respect of a strict  disciplinary of our productio and a strong and severe adhesion to the rural chain.

Your basic concept, we know, is “only when the brewer is also a farmer, beer reaches flavors  and perfume of a forgotten lifetime”, can you explain better this concept to us?

In a simple way the producer of row material also  follows the production chain in each step. He makes quality control and realizes his production vision from the barley bean to the glass.