Interwiev with Andrea Beretta, Group representative

We know that beretta is a company very tied to the territory, beretta has the culture of territory, in fact the group has bought and built manufacturing plants which produce pdo and pgi products in italy

The acquisition of row Carpegna ham company is born thanks to this vision the territory? Which is the value of le Marche Montefeltro territory to produce row Carpegna ham?

Territory has a strong unbreakable bond with Carpegna row ham. Carpegna is situated in the middle of the natural stone park of the Simone and Simoncello mountains, at 750mt on the sea, in the middle area among Romagna, Marche and Tuscany regions.the salty air of the near Adriatic sea, (far less than one hour by car), comes to resinous currents of Montefeltro hills. This oak natural park is the biggests in Europa. Climate is dry and air is crisp, like in mountain, but it scent of the sea. This special Montefeltro area microclima it is one of the secrets that makes unique the pdo Carpegna ham.

We know that there is a very strict disciplinary to produce pdo Carpegna ham. How le Marche region territory, ideal for truffle to grow, influence the production of Carpegna ham?

Carpegna row ham is also, for sure, the result of a strict selection of meat and a very severe disciplinary to produce and seasoning.
The origin of pigs could just be from 3 italian regions: le Marche, Emilia-Romagna and Lombardia, the ham can be salted only with Cervia salt, as the ancient recipe says.
Besides these strict rules to produce it, the uniqueness of pdo Carpegna ham is due to special microclima of the Montefeltro territory half mountainous half maritime.
In 1996 Carpegna ham has conquered the pdo recognition for its particular characteristics, thanks to the microclimate condition and to extremely strict choices on production processing together with the secrets of the production steps hand down from generation to generation.

Seasoning is tyed to the territory and its microclimate between mountain and sea? How does it happen?

Also today, seasoning of pdo carpegna ham is done in one ham manufacture plant, where 10 ham masters hand down the secrets from a generation to another,
14 months of seasoning are requested by pod disciplinary. During this period, Carpegna ham acquires the typical bouquet of perfumes and aromas collecting all the aromacity of the Montefeltro area best tradition.
During the seasoning time, ventilation, exposure to the sun and to natural humidity are allowed, thanks to climate factors of Carpegna municipality.