We have asked to some excellent companies from le Marche region, (with top quality products and commitment to territory), to make a storytelling about our territory: these stories are nice and good.

A story made of passion for work, of love for the territory and respect for tradition on production of high quality sheep and mixed milk cheeses

Interview with Andrea Casula owner of caseificio Val d’Apsa (cheese company)

Oils, durum wheat pasta and wine are the excellences of the company. That is a mirror of the wealth of our territory.

Interview with Luca Guerrieri

Campofilone (FM)

Pasta is hand made bronze – die extrusion, with row material as italian wheat and fresh eggs.

Interwiev with Barbara Marcozzi commercial director pastificio Marcozzi

A story based on authentic values of country living, on love for nature and  real things. That’s how Girolomoni pasta is born, the best about organic food in Italy.

Interwiev with Maria Girolomoni comunication and public relation Girolomoni company

Isola del Piano (PU)

Terre Roveresche, Barchi (PU)

Among le  Marche region hills, Fiorini wines  has a strong bond with territory. This link  has lasted for generations: it is a symbol of the welcoming and familiar atmoshepere that make wine tasting so special. We talk about ancient wine and vines, recovered by the company with love and respect of the ground.

Interwiev with Carla Fiorini – Fiorini wines

The crescia sfogliata from Urbino (a kind of bread) has one ancient taste. It has the taste of something good and just made by hand.something coming out from our memories of grand mum kitchen.that’s the reason why crescia bread is regal, ancient, unforgettable.

Interwiev with Monia Moretti owner of il Panaro di Fermignano (bread company)

Visciole cherries prefer hilly and rocky grounds typical of Cantiano area, on the slopes of Catria mountain, that’s why they grow here spontaneous

Interwiev with Nicolas Morello Austera cherries visciole preserved company

According to Beretta brothers territory is a fundamental characteristic: locations and taste give emotion to our tables.

Interwiev with Andrea Beretta, member of Beretta family, director of the board  of Beretta Group

The company is born from the need  to find out again  the rural origins of beer, cultivating distic barley and using the so pure water from Catria mountain, called the throne of gods.

Interwiev with the brewer Pietro Corrieri, Birrificio del Catria

Apecchio (PU)

A couple of restaurateurs linked to Le Marche region .The desire to recover , up dating and produce a “poor” cake as the Bostrengo. That’s the purpose of Maria and Massimo. In Apecchio, a beer and truffle village, they have given a new life to an original product coming from Montefeltro peasant culinary tradition area (Le Marche Region Italy).

Maria and Massimo Interview

Food blogger from le Marche region, she loves travelling and discovering, she likes good food but, especially, she is in love with our beautiful territory.

Interwiev with Silvia Gregori food blogger La Greg

Colleagues, travel, exploration and life companions. She, a foodie by vocation, is hungry for creativity in any form and always ready to get her hands dirty. He defines himself as a gourmant … immoderate passion for food and wine.

Interview with Silvia and Emanuele, Foodtrip and more blogger

La Gioconda restaurant is situated inside the ancient wine cellars of  1600’s Brancuti noble palace, in Cagli, in the hearth of Montefeltro area (le Marche region)

Interview with Gabriele Giacomucci owner and chef

The history of Urbania is in the menu, in the sculptures, in the atmospheres, in the majolicas that enrich the interior and in the ceramics of the service.

Interview with Nicola Forlucci, Owner and chef of La Braverja

Deep admirer and connoisseur of our territory and its excellence.

Interview with Andrea Fraboni Editor-in-chief of Corriere Adriatico

She is a passionated food blogger, always looking for new flavors and perfumes.

Interview with the food blogger Manuela Iannacci

Coming from Romagna region with Le Marche region in his hearth he tallks about his life and passion for Cooking.

Interview to Francesco Saccomandi food blogger, sport lover with a professional experience in Tv and as marketing manager in worldwide known companies.

A lover of food, of those who produce it and of those who work it. Roberto Ceccarelli, journalist who loves food and territory, describes himself with these words. In the interview released for us, he tells us about the authentic charming of Marche region.

Interview with Roberto Ceccarelli

When I decided to tell the beauties of Le Marche region I have done a very specific choice that was born from my desire to tell about the territory where I was born, growned up and where I decided to live

Interview with Valentina Pierucci

Chef, lecturer and lover of the territory.

Interwiev with Roberto Dormicchi

Enrico Mazzaroni Born in 1970, but he looks younger.
A complicated personal history, he faced some hard challenges and lastly he won and received the first Michelin star.

Interviews to Enrico Mazzaroni – il Tiglio restaurant

Alessandro Rapisarda, already winner of S.Pellegrino Young chef academy award and Acqua Panna Contemporary and tradition award, lived some interesting learning experiences.

Interview with Alessandro Rapisarda

We interviewed the very young chef Michele Antonelli, winner of the latest S. Pellegrino YOUNG CHEF ACADEMY COMPETITON (SPYCA) competition which aims to find and reward the best chefs under 30 in Italy and then in the world.

Interview with Michele Antonelli – GastroBi restaurant in Villa Musone in Ancona