Interview with Nicolas

The story of amarena from Cantiano started long time ago, from east Europe. It seems that it was carried by the ancients roman in 65 b.c. to old Italy. Later it found an ideal environment in Pesaro Urbino district, (Marche region, italy) is that true?

Roots of the sour cherry come from far, somebody says they were  born in asia, but many experts think about a balcanical origin about it. Plinio the old, a famous ancient roman wiriter and commander, in his “naturalis historia” (a huge encyclopedia on naturalistic different aspect) says that the cherry plant was imported to Italy by Lucullo during one of his east campaigns, between 73 b.c. and 67 b.c.  actually some botany and naturalistics experts don’t agree about that. They are certain that cherry, both sweet and sour, was already growing much more in advance of his  expedition to east land. Some people think that Lucullo just imported some new species to italy, e.g. marasche and visciole, that last one kind of cherry are the main ingredient inside amarena cherry from Cantiano.
Now the question is: why it is called amarena from Cantiano if it is made by visciola? To answer to this question we must say that there are 3 main different varieties of sour cherry: amarena, marasca and visciola, and they differ from each other about form, colour and taste. Also territory makes the difference. Amarena and marasca cherry need a rich earth, visciola on the contrary, grows well in poor and very dryed lands. That’s the reason why amarena and marasca grow in most of italian territory, while visciola cherry finds its perfect habitat in the center of italy particularly in Umbria and Marche area. Coming back to the question: when amarena from Cantiano was born, we can say that at the  end of 1.800s  and beginning 1.900s, the word visciola was not very well understood out of the local use, that’s the reason why it was decided to call it “amarena” to facilitate its distribution and promotion.

This fruit likes rocky hilly lands, typical of Cantiano area, on the slopes of the Catria mountain and it is just here that they spontaneously grow, is that true?

Visciola is a strongly rustic variety of cherry plant and it grows well in middle / high hills and mountain areas. As we said, it will be at its best in poor and dried lands. The Cantiano areas are the best, that’s the reason why you can find visciole cherry plants growing spontaneously. Don’t forget the climatic aspect, this plant likes sun, but it can survive even at low temperatures as well as dryed weather.

So we can say that territory is at the basis of growth of these cherry plants, it is a perfect organic cycle, is that right? Can you explain it better to us?

Yes it is a completely natural organic cycle.It means that, as it grows spontaneously and it perfectly fits itself to the earth and climate, the cherry doesn’t need more chemical treatment. What we give to these plants is exactly what usually men give to organic plantation, absolutely not harmful for man.

So your products are completely natural, without preservatives and dyes can you confirm this to us?

Exactly, our philosophy is a totally natural one, starting from the cherry plant to the final product. Our amarene are free from chemical elements, no preservatives, nor artificial dyes and can check this looking to how few ingredients we use: visciole (sour cherry), sugar, agar agar and tare rubber (2 super natural thickeners made from an algae and from peruvian carruba), natural aroma of bitter almonds, spices and lemon peel.