Interview with Barbara Marcozzi, Sales manager

Marcozzi pastificio is born from the artisan quality and from the bound with his territory of Campofilone city. Pasta is hand made, bronze-die extrusion, with row material as italian durum wheat semolina and fresh eggs, can you explain better these features?

As we always repeat, origin is everything for Marcozzi pasta! In fact our experience is born from the  ancient tradition of Campofilone city (Marche region-Italy),  where we produce egg pasta as it was made in middle age.
All these skills were handed down from a generation to another till today, thanks to the most important female figure called the “vergare”, women who were used to take care of house and kitchen.
Today our aim is to preserve this preciuos heritage and, at the same time, we want to go forward to the future, updating processing of production expecially to lower their environmental impact.

How is  le Marche region territory important regarding quality of row material?

First of all we must say that, it would be impossible, for our company, to use only row material coming from Marche region. That’s because in our region e.g. there is not a company who could supply pastorized eggs in a sufficient quantity for our businnes volumes.
Anyway, for the Campofilone pasta we make, row material are fundamental.we only use 100% italian ingredients: first quality durum wheat semolina and fresh egg.
Of course no dyes and preservatives or ogm, as provided by the regulation of PGI.

Do you have others information to tell to us? Please add what you think it would be useful about territory subject, also and expecially, about its value and its characteristics.

We are committed to enhancement of territory: we trust a lot on collaboration and synergy among different companies to grow,  innovate and spread culture of our tradition in Italy and abroad.
In addition to this, we are committed on preserving and adding quality to environment. We will reduce the enviromental impact of our production chain using more and more renewable energies. On  our packaging e.g. we are using a pure cellulose carton with a  p.l.a. window (polylactic acid) that can be asbolutely recyclable with paper.

What does it mean being a PGI? Can you explain your ethic vision in front of the respect of nature and mankind?

PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) firts of all, means a link with the territory and its tradition.this involves the respect of a strict  production disciplinary to produce a unique product (as pasta from Campofilone is) regarding ingredients, nutritional properties and artisan production methods.

What is and how is done the “foglietto” activity?

This step is the highest demonstration of quality in producing our pasta in Campofilone as a symbol of our artisan skills. It has been a very ancient tradition and is made only by specialized and skilled person.
This activity is based on picking up by hand the threads of pasta with the blade of a knife and laying them down, carefully, on a food paper. This allows us to differentiate our pasta  at a glance of eye, from the classic egg pasta with the nest shape!