Interview with the food blogger Silvia Gregori

A section of your blog is dedicated to le Marche territory, you by yourself, you speak about le Marche region recognizing all their greatness and the ability of people of this region to respect their earth and to obtain only what is correct. Can you explain better this concept to us?

If you are used to travel and you arrive for holidays  or for businnes to le le Marche region, you immediately will realize that you have jumped in another dimension. The world you can see is mostly untouched.the green countries and woods, the perfume of the clean air (nearly everywhere) will  win over the rest. We born in le marche region, we have been very good at preserving all this, jealous between neighbors and very jealous in front of foreigners. We have demonstrated that, also inside a simple life, there could be so many virtues. The “right thing to do” should represent the highest expression of the attachment and respect of its own land.this should be the mirror of the will to eat the extraordinary fruit of the earth without upsetting the rythm of the seasons.

In your blog you say you are in love with le Marche region. Which are the excellences you think about?

We are surrounded by excellences. I don’t really know truffle world, but, if I think about my town, I cannot mention the Fabriano salami (the original one, hand mad producted, without dyes and preservatives. I love the octofile corn from Rocca Contrada in both recipes: as a tasted polenta or inside a tasty crostolo. I’m crazy for anise, e.g Varnelli liquer and all the so many traditional sweets like wine little ciambelle and wine cookies. Last but not least, wine. My favorites ones are Verdicchio from Matelica and lacrima from Morro d’Alba (even if it is reductive just say the denomination and not the producers).

The recipes in your blog, are true and original, how did you get them from the territory? Do you have some special sources e.g chef, little restaurants, family and friends, companies with whom you work?your partecipation at “Italia nel piatto” (Italy on the dish) was born from this?

I ‘ve always loved looking for recipes. I have got  cooking books and magazine paper everywhere. These are the starting point of my recipes. When I taste something new (it must be absolutely good) I always try to have the recipe, whoever he or she are, a chef or the grandmum of a friend of my son. Even if I have always loved to experiment, I realized with the passing years, that the traditional recipes cover a special place in my hearth, because  they have a long storytelling. After all what would be life (and food) without emotion?

My partecipation to the enterprise “l’italia nel piatto” was born to join  a passionate food bloggers group , so near to gastonomic tradition of their region like me.i love le marche region and nearly all their recipes but actually i love food and discover new location with their gastronomic recipes.