Interview with Gabriele Giacomucci, owner and chef

As a “quality searcher “we know that you are particularly attentive to the ingredients at the base of your recipes.Which are the main characteristics of Le Marche territory (Italy)? What do you think is really unique in it? Seasonality? Variety?

Yes I confirm , I’m a crazy searcher for quality.
I’m always looking for the best row material because  thanks to them,  a recipe is born and starting from them you can create a dish. The taste of the best row material is not created in cooking, cooking can only exhalt taste. That’s the reason why I take  the Appennino mountains flavors  to the table. I want to make my customers taste the perfumes of my childhood, of the place where I was born. To achieve  that seasonality is necessary.Everything must be eaten exactly  the moment it  grows.

Which are flavors,  perfumes and fruits of this territory you create in your menu?

My mantra is: the pantry is the wood! Mushroom and truffles and wild herbs are the basic ingredients of my menu,  this is the only way to make people taste “a territory”.

Manual skills, neverending research , assembly of row material and unknown flavors are the chef characteristics.Besides that, he is never satisfied of what he has achieved.
How this territory helps your creativity?

At the very begging you need technical skills, without that you risk to alterate products. Today we have reached the highest level of machinery  that help us to exalt every little taste and consistence. To exalt the territory at its best, using the modern cooking instrument,  you need to know the territory. I myself, very often I come back to the wild country where I was born and when I speak with farmers, the true guardians of our heritage and real masters of life, I always find out new inspirations.