Interview with Luca Guerrieri

You define yourself as a farmer, the one who cultivates the field, the bond with Le Marche region is perhaps in  the first place for your farm, is that right?

Our farm is an historical  family owned one,  we have been very proud of being farmer in Le Marche region (Italy) for six generations.

The message coming from  your farm, starting from the very beginning, involves the territory through, especially, diversification, can you explain it  better to us?

We produce  wines, extra virgin olive oils, durum wheat and spelled pasta with the complete  control of the production chain, starting from our land, loving and respecting the earth. We have always made cultural rotations, that’s the reason why we can preserve and maintain fertility of our  earth.

Wheat for making pasta, olive tree to produce olive oil and grapevine to produce wine are 3 basic foods for human. The choice of these 3 product, again, reinforces the bond between the territory and your farm?

We know very well that farmers have a key role in our society, as they produce food with all the responsibilities of this importante job.

The link with the Le Marche territory is realized through different activities, according to you, training of local people is an ethical choice?

We feel absolutely privileged to live and work in Le Marche region because they are one of the most beautiful territories, from also an  historical point of view .Le Marche are suited to agriculture.
Our team is formed of passionated and skilled women and men .They have been carried out  their job stably inside our company for 2 or 3 generations.

People talk a lot about young people. What do you think about young people coming from your territory?

We have a particular attention to young generation for two main reasons, first of all: their contribution is extremely important, and then because they represent our future. The average age of our collaborators is very low and we have a lot of young people who are growing inside our company. Our “didactic farm” based inside our company for the last 20 years, let us make a never-ending exchange with new generation and, at the same time, to keep up with the times.