Foodtrip and More

Silvia, you are from the Marche and cosmopolitan at the same time. What do the Marches represent for you, the land where you were born, where did you go and where do you go all the time, but where do you always return??

Le Marche is my home, the place where I can relive my childhood memories. Among my favorites the one that as soon as the first cold arrives, we find ourselves in front of the fireplace to share the unmissable appointment of the crostini with the fresh spread Marchigiana sausage. I must say that despite having tasted and enjoyed cuisines from all over the world, I still haven’t found anything that can beat them!

Silvia and Emanuele what do you think of this territory?

A land full of excellence in food, of adults and children It is true that the Marches really have a great and incredible treasure of food specialties. Many still little known but we must say that our Food heroes are working really well. They started with traditions, and then always add some novelties to renew and present the typical products of which they become custodians, in a new, more current guise. All united by the same dream: to make a specialty of their land, its flavors and the stories associated with it, often forgotten or a little snubbed, become great. Whenever we meet one, we will be listening to it for hours.
Even in a difficult moment like this, they have not lost an opportunity to show all their determination and to adapt their proposal to the current situation, even coming to our home, to pamper us and not to miss their specialties!

The Marche region is special, uncontaminated, a land of DOP, IGP and PAT. You yourself have told about agricultural beers, and other excellences. Angolo dei Sapori has brought together some excellences: pasta by Marcozzi, wine by Fiorini and Guerrieri, Crescia del Panaro di Fermignano, sour cherries from Cantiano di Morello Austera, and local chefs, and the truffle which is a bit like a big glue with which all the products of the Marche region can be accompanied. Do you agree?

Of course! We are huge fans of truffles that over time we have learned to appreciate both in purity and in more or less elaborate dishes. Last year we tasted it for the first time, generously grated on a must of the Marche cuisine of this period: the cappelletto in broth. A masterpiece!

Festivals and concerts in the Marche have now been put to a halt, but what is the origin and the link between the Marche and music, is it all thanks to Rossini who loved food and truffles or is there more?

Undoubtedly Rossini, a gourmet composer par excellence, played a primary role in making the link between the Marche and music great. But let’s not forget the popular peasant tradition that after the effort in the fields, enjoyed a few moments of celebration to the rhythm of dance and cheerful music like the Saltarello from the Marche. Thanks to them, the village festivals and fairs were also born that have always combined the musical tradition of the Marche with the food and wine tradition, which still today, outside the current emergency, involve many people!